Lenny Kravitz | Interior Design

Lenny Kravitz is undoubtedly one of the most successful musicians of all time. Lenny is a multi-talented artist, and he excels as a singer, songwriter, and record producer. Besides music, Kravitz is also an actor, and the musician has a good number of acting credits in his resume. You could Lenny is one talented individual that manages to succeed in every platform that he ventures in.

As we said, Lenny Kravitz manages to find success in every platform. With this fact, it was a no-brainer for him to pursue a career in interior design. He was already known for his eccentric style, and it certainly made sense for him to create his own design company called Kravitz Design back in 2003. To this day, Lenny does various interior and product design that draws inspiration from his remarkable and unique personal style.
