Doris Day | Animal Welfare Advocate


Throughout her childhood, Doris Day always wanted to be a dancer. After one thing led to another, however, she eventually found an even higher fascination for singing. Often singing to tunes by Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, and Glenn Miller, Day began her music career performing on radio shows and restaurants. Thanks to these gigs, she eventually had the chance to work alongside well-known musicians such as Bob Crosby, Barney Rapp, and Les Brown.

Along with gracing the airwaves with her songs, Doris garnered a skyrocketing degree of praise for her work in the acting scene. Among the movies she’s starred in, a couple worth noting would be Calamity Jane, The Thrill of It All, Pillow Talk, and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Besides these talents, however, the actress-singer was also well-known for being a vocal advocate for animal welfare. In fact, during the production of the latter-mentioned film, Day refused to go on set until the animals seen in the movie were properly fed and looked after.
