Carrie Henn | Teacher

Through the years, producers and filmmakers spend plenty of investment money creating new stories revolving around the horror and the sci-fi genre. While not many of them stick the landing in the end, there are a good few that end up becoming one of the industry’s greatest hits. Of course, if we were to give some examples, it would undoubtedly be the first two Alien movies.

A cinematic masterpiece made of elements from both the sci-fi and horror genres, 1979’s Alien and its sequel, Aliens, continues to be talked about by fans and movie lovers today. Along with its lead star Sigourney Weaver, another actress worth noting would be Carrie Henn. Often recognized for her performance as the little girl Newt, Henn has since shifted her sights to a career in teaching. In between classes, though, the actress still makes it a habit of interacting with Alien fans at events and conventions, notably the San Diego Comic-Con.
