Kirk Cameron | Evangelist

As someone who was a household name back in the ‘80s, Kirk Cameron had his fair share of controversies. He made several appearances as a child actor, but some of the more notable ones are Like Father Like Son and Listen to Me. Cameron was the archetypal pin-up, admired by many young girls of that period. He is best known for his role in Growing Pains, where he played Mike Seaver for all of seven seasons.

More than 30 years later, and with several projects after, Cameron decided to focus on becoming an evangelist, along with Ray Comfort. They co-preach in The Way of the Master ministry. On top of that, he also founded The Firefly Foundation with his wife, Chelsea Noble. As an evangelist, he usually participates in theological debates. One of them was with Brian Sapient in 2007, where he was eventually given credit for giving birth to the crocoduck meme.
