Dorce Gamalama | Transgender Woman

She is a transwoman from Indonesia whose name came from Mount Gamalama. She is a pop singer, actress, and comedian, to name a few. She is often called Bunda, which translates to the word Mother. Gamalama was born on July 21, 1963, in Solok, West Sumatra. When she was just seven years old, she already felt that she’s not a boy but a girl. Since then, she started wearing women’s clothes, and from performing with the singing group Bambang Brothers, she moved to Fantastic Dolls. The names stated the obvious!

Just like other persons on this list, Dorce also went through sex reassignment surgery. When Gamalama was just a year old, she already became an orphan. Additionally, it could be why she reportedly owns several orphanages, which cost her a tremendous amount of investment money. These orphanages have catered thousands of children already. Also, she adopted four children and now has six grandchildren.
